Earth's orbit around the sun

Ever since the 16th century when Nicolaus Copernicus demonstrated that the Earth revolved around in the Sun, scientists have worked tirelessly to understand the relationship in mathematical terms. If this bright celestial ...

What happens when the poles flip?

Have you heard the startling news that the Earth's poles might flip? Perhaps in the response to a close pass from the mysterious Planet X? Are you imagining the entire Earth actually flipping over on its side or rotating ...

Astronomers discover 'tilted planets'

( -- University of Exeter, UK, research has added to a growing evidence that several giant planets have orbits so tilted that their orbits can be perpendicular or even backwards relative to their parent star’s ...

Manipulating molecules for a new breed of electronics

( -- In research appearing in today’s issue of the journal Nature Nanotechnology, Nongjian “NJ” Tao, a researcher at the Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University, has demonstrated a clever ...

There could be snow on Mars – here's how that's possible

Given that there are ambitious plans to colonise Mars in the near future, it is surprising how much we still have to learn about what it would be like to actually live on the planet. Take the weather, for instance. We know ...

High planetary tilt lowers odds for life?

Highly-tilted worlds would have extreme seasons, subjecting life to alternating periods of scorching and subzero temperatures. This could make the development of all but hardiest, simplest creatures a long shot.

I see the moon: Introducing our nearest neighbour

The moon. Our nearest neighbour. The main source of the ocean's tides, and a beacon that drives the lives of animals across the globe. And also, to date, the only object beyond Earth on which humans have set foot.

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