Google Chrome extensions to be officially released

( -- Google is expected to release its Extensions Gallery for general users of the new Chrome browser this week, possibly at the Add-On Conference on browser extensions to be held on December 11, 2009. Google ...

Predictive simulation successes on Dawn supercomputer

( -- The 500-teraFLOPS Advanced Simulation and Computing program's Sequoia Initial Delivery System (Dawn), an IBM machine of the same lineage as BlueGene/L, has immediately proved itself useful as several initial ...

From nature, robots

( -- To a robot designer like Sangbae Kim, the animal kingdom is full of inspiration. "I always look at animals and ask why they are the way they are," says Kim, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering ...

Lasers are making solar cells competitive

At "Laser 2009" in Munich, Germany, June 15 to 18, Fraunhofer researchers will be demonstrating how laser technology can contribute to optimizing the manufacturing costs and efficiency of solar cells.

Achieving optimal efficiencies for nanoengines

( -- "There's a lot of recent interest in understanding the functioning and optimal performance of small systems," Katja Lindenberg tells Lindenberg is a scientist in the Department of Chemistry ...

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