Can bees color maps better than ants?

In mathematics, you need at most only four different colors to produce a map in which no two adjacent regions have the same color. Utah and Arizona are considered adjacent, but Utah and New Mexico, which only share a point, ...

Social optimism during studies supports school-to-work transition

Students' social skills and behaviour in social situations during their university studies contribute to their success in the transition to work. The social strategies adopted during university studies also have an impact ...

Blekko, Montage offer new ways to search the Web

Internet search engines have become such a helpful fixture of everyday life that it's tough to imagine life before them. They gather information at eye-blink speed, can guess a user's intent and present real-time results ...

CFO survey: optimism tumbles, employment picture bleak

Optimism about the U.S. economy has fallen back to recession levels among chief financial officers, who foresee minimal increases in hiring, weak consumer demand and heightened economic uncertainty, finds a Duke/CFO Magazine ...

Optimizing climate change reduction

Scientists at the Carnegie Institution's Department of Global Ecology have taken a new approach on examining a proposal to fix the warming planet. So-called geoengineering ideas—large-scale projects to change the Earth's ...

Hip websites need hard facts to thrive

Mixed in with technology innovations at South By South West (SXSW) were reminders that real-world performance facts are vital to thriving on an increasingly crowded Internet.

Optimization server reaches two million milestone

NEOS, the Network-Enabled Optimization System developed by researchers at the U.S. DOE's Argonne National Laboratory in conjunction with Northwestern University, has reached a new milestone: two million submissions to its ...

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