Related topics: light

Laser-sculpted optical devices for future giant telescopes

Future telescopes, with mirrors half the size of a football field, will need special components to deal with the light they collect. Astronomers are turning to photonic devices that guide and manipulate light inside specially-designed ...

Researchers shedding new light on neural imaging research

Neural imaging—maps of brain functions—is a primary tool used by researchers hoping to transform the lives of people living with chronic neurological conditions such as epilepsy. At present, researchers often require ...

Faster diagnostics through cheap, ultra-portable blood testing

Blood tests are important diagnostic tools. They accurately tease-out vanishingly small concentrations of proteins and other molecules that help give a picture of overall health or signal the presence of specific diseases. ...

Orbital samples with sight-saving potential

Those who travel to space are rewarded with a beautiful sight - planet Earth. But the effects of space travel on the human sense of sight aren't so beautiful. More than 30 percent of astronauts who returned from two-week ...

New solar power generator to be deployed to space station

A new solar power generator prototype developed by Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) and research teams in the United States, will be deployed on the first 2020 NASA flight launch to the International Space Station.

De-multiplexing to the max: 640 Gbits/second

Sliced light is how we communicate now. Millions of phone calls and cable television shows per second are dispatched through fibers in the form of digital zeros and ones formed by chopping laser pulses into bits. This slicing ...

Scientists develop compact medical imaging device

Scientists at the MIRA research institute, in collaboration with various companies, have developed a prototype of a handy device that combines echoscopy (ultrasound) with photoacoustics. Combining these two medical imaging ...

Mechanical forces could affect gene expression

( -- University of Michigan researchers have shown that tension on DNA molecules can affect gene expression---the process at the heart of biological function that tells a cell what to do.

Technology development could bring Raman microscopy to the clinic

Researchers have developed a Raman microscope that can acquire information hundreds of times faster than a conventional Raman microscope. Raman microscopy is a powerful non-invasive tool for performing complex chemical analysis ...

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