Related topics: light

Helices of light: dark helices with a bright future

( -- Laser beams can be made to form dark as well as bright intensity helices, or corkscrews of light. In a paper shortly to appear in Optics Express, Dr Ole Steuernagel, at the University of Hertfordshire's Science ...

Scientists create the first diamond X-ray micro lens

After fourth-generation synchrotrons were invented (these are particle accelerators, which are, in fact, giant research facilities), there was an urgent need for a fundamentally new optics that could withstand high temperatures ...

Professor developing super-resolution microscopy techniques

For scientists developing life-saving medicines, knowing how cells interact and communicate with one another is an important part of the puzzle. The problem is, being able to see those interactions through a microscope hasn't ...

New optical method paves way to breath test for cancer biomarker

Researchers have developed an extremely sensitive, yet simple optical method for detecting formaldehyde in a person's breath. Because formaldehyde is being studied as a potential biomarker for lung and breast cancer, the ...

ESA image: Phobos and Jupiter align

( —Even though it may only be a lump of porous rock, Phobos isn't shy about hogging the limelight in this sequence taken by ESA's Mars Express. These three images show Phobos, the larger of the two martian moons, ...

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