New endoscope uses bendable GRIN lens for 3D microscopy

Researchers have created a flexible needle-like endoscopic imaging probe that can acquire 3D microscopic images of tissue. The bendability is possible thanks to a new flexible graded index (GRIN) lens developed by the researchers.

Researchers publish study on rare-earth garnets

Researchers in the Physics Department and Institute for Nanoscience and Engineering recently published findings that may advance the understanding of rare-earth garnets, a promising material useful as a magnetic insulator ...

Silicon-based optical modulator for ultra-fast telecommunications

Imagine being able to download 10 high-definition movies (each of 4 GB capacity) in less than 1 second or be able to enjoy superior lag-free online gaming experience with multiple players from anywhere in the world. Researchers ...

New flex-grid system prevents optical network 'traffic jams'

Services like Google Maps use algorithms to determine the fastest route from point A to point B—even factoring in real-time traffic information as you travel to redirect you if, for example, a parade is blocking part of ...

1000 calibration reports . . . and counting

The U.S. Internet – and indeed any communication system that sends information by fiber-optic cable – depends critically on strong, clear signals propagating reliably through transmission lines. The principal measurement ...

Technology convergence may widen the digital divide

( -- Technology is helping communication companies merge telephone, television and Internet services, but a push to deregulate may leave some customers on the wrong side of the digital divide during this convergence, ...

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