LED material shines under strain

Smartphones, laptops, and lighting applications rely on light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to shine bright. But the brighter these LED technologies shine, the more inefficient they become, releasing more energy as heat instead ...

Devil in the defect detail of quantum emissions unravelled

Systems which can emit a stream of single photons, referred to as quantum light sources, are critical hardware components for emerging technologies such as quantum computing, the quantum internet, and quantum communications.

Shaking bosons into fermions

Particles can be classified as bosons or fermions. A defining characteristic of a boson is its ability to pile into a single quantum state with other bosons. Fermions are not allowed to do this. One broad impact of fermionic ...

Researchers steer light in new directions

A team of researchers led by San Francisco State University's Weining Man is the first to build and demonstrate the ability of two-dimensional disordered photonic band gap material, designed to be a platform to control light ...

'Building block' of quanutm networks created

(Phys.org)—A proof-of-concept device that could pave the way for on-chip optical quantum networks has been created by a group of researchers from the US.

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