Tracking the dynamics of biomolecules with optofluidic antennas

In order to better understand fundamental processes in life science at the molecular level, the precise observation of single molecule dynamics is of utmost interest. However, current techniques based on fluorescence measurements ...

Quantum leap for research into unhackable communications networks

Scientists at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland, have published new research into the phenomenon known as quantum entanglement. This is when two particles—such as photons of light—remain connected even when ...

Seeing stable topology using instabilities

We are most familiar with the four conventional phases of matter: solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. Changes between two phases, known as phase transitions, are marked by abrupt changes in material properties such as density. ...

Trapping tiny particles: A versatile tool for nanomanipulation

At just 1/1000th of a millimeter, nanoparticles are impossible to see with the naked eye. But, despite being small, they're extremely important in many ways. If scientists want to take a close look at DNA, proteins, or viruses, ...

New material proposed for perovskite solar cells

A new type of material for solar cells was proposed by specialists of the Ural Federal University (UrFU) and the Institute of Organic Synthesis of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences together with their colleagues. ...

Making it easier to differentiate mirror-image molecules

Using a new method, scientists are better able to distinguish between mirror-image substances. This is important amongst others in drug development, because the two variants can cause completely different effects in the human ...

Autofocusing of microscopy images using deep learning

Optical microscopes are frequently used in biomedical sciences to reveal fine features of a specimen, such as human tissue samples and cells, forming the backbone of pathological imaging for disease diagnosis. One of the ...

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