Examining a nanocrystal that shines on and off indefinitely

In 2021, lanthanide-doped nanoparticles made waves—or rather, an avalanche—when Changwan Lee, then a Ph.D. student in Jim Schuck's lab at Columbia Engineering, set off an extreme light-producing chain reaction from ultrasmall ...

High-speed super-resolution microscopy via temporal compression

As an indispensable tool for observing the microcosmos, optical microscopy has boosted the development of various fields, including biology, medicine, physics, and materials. However, optical diffraction imposes a spatial ...

A new approach for high-throughput quantitative phase microscopy

Cell organelles are involved in a variety of cellular life activities. Their dysfunction is closely related to the development and metastasis of cancer. Exploration of subcellular structures and their abnormal states facilitates ...

Creating the world's largest SiC aspherical mirror

Aspherical components in optical systems can increase the free design variables without introducing new aberrations. That brings improved imaging quality and reduced size and weight. Aspheric components are widely used in ...

The invention of a flexible endoscope thinner than a needle

If you are used to getting regular health checkups, you might be familiar with endoscopes. The endoscope is an imaging device consisting of a camera and a light guide attached to a long flexible tube. It is particularly useful ...

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