Google's ultrafast Internet draws startups to KC (Update)

Inside a small bungalow on the street separating Kansas City, Kansas, from its sister city in Missouri, a small group of entrepreneurs are working on their ideas for the next high-tech startup, tapping Google Inc.'s new superfast ...

Photonics to revolutionise internet speeds

While people may have never heard of photonics before, they will surely have heard about the technology that relies on its existence, namely the internet, computers and smartphones.

Data highway for quantum information

Researchers at the Vienna University of Technology quantum mechanically couple atoms to glass fiber cables. Now, they have shown that their technique enables storage of quantum information over a sufficiently long period ...

Are racks-on-chip the future of data centers?

( —Increasing the scale and decreasing the cost and power of data centers requires greatly boosting the density of computing, storage and networking within those centers. That is the hard truth spelled out in the ...

Brazil proposes South American broadband network

Brazil on Tuesday proposed the creation of a fiber optic broadband connection network linking all South American countries to bring down the cost of Internet and cellular phone access.

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