To touch the microcosmos

What if you could reach through a microscope to touch and feel the microscopic structures under the lens? In a breakthrough that may usher in a new era in the exploration of the worlds that are a million times smaller than ...

Butterfly inspires new nanotechnology

By mimicking microscopic structures in the wings of a butterfly, an international research team has developed a device smaller than the width of a human hair that could make optical communication faster and more secure.

Express tool for graphene quality control

The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) has collaborated with Chalmers University of Technology and Linköping University in Sweden to help develop a fast and inexpensive tool for quality control of graphene grown on silicon ...

A new light wave

Hold a magnifying glass over the driveway on a sunny day and it will focus sunlight into a single beam. Hold a prism in front of the window and the light will spread out into a perfect rainbow. Lenses like these have been ...

Pushing microscopy beyond standard limits

Engineers at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have devised a method to convert a relatively inexpensive conventional microscope into a billion-pixel imaging system that significantly outperforms the best available ...

Playing Lego on an atomic scale

In a perspective review written for Nature, Sir Andre and Dr Irina Grigorieva, from The University of Manchester, discuss how layered materials can be split into isolated atomic planes and then reassembled back in an intelligently-chosen ...

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