Scientists develop printable water sensor

A new, versatile plastic-composite sensor can detect tiny amounts of water. The 3-D printable material, developed by a Spanish-Israeli team of scientists, is cheap, flexible and non-toxic and changes its colour from purple ...

Image: Star formation in the Chamaeleon

A dark cloud when observed with optical telescopes, the Chamaeleon I region reveals itself as an active hub of star formation in this far-infrared image from ESA's Herschel space observatory. Only around 550 light-years away ...

Data storage: Measuring the downside of downsizing

To keep pace with the rapidly growing consumer demand for data storage, hardware engineers are striving to cram as much electronic information into as small a space as possible. Jinmin Zhao, Mingsheng Zhang and co‐workers ...

Ceramic holds promise for greener optical devices

A lead-free ceramic that could be used in applications ranging from optical sensors and switches to creams for protecting against ultraviolet (UV) light has been developed by A*STAR researchers.

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