Nanocrystal infrared LEDs can be made cheaply

( -- Light-emitting diodes at infrared wavelengths are the magic behind such things as night vision and optical communications, including the streaming data that comes through Netflix. Cornell researchers have advanced ...

Shedding new light on nanolasers using 2-D semiconductors

In his latest line of research, Cun-Zheng Ning, a professor of electrical engineering in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University, and his peers explored the intricate balance of physics that governs ...

Patterning silicon at the one-nanometer scale

Researchers have developed an innovative technique for creating nanomaterials. These are materials only atoms wide. They draw on nanoscience to allow scientists to control their construction and behavior. The new electron ...

Shining a light on ... light

Dinesh Basker applied to graduate schools around the world. He was accepted to three, but you might say he "saw the light" in choosing McMaster.

Scientists bring order, and color, to microparticles

A team of New York University scientists has developed a technique that prompts microparticles to form ordered structures in a variety of materials. The advance, which appears in the Journal of the American Chemical Society ...

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