Syncing data center computers at the speed of light

When several computers need to work together, as when calculating in parallel on several parts of a single large problem or managing a large database, they need to keep in step. These situations are particularly common in ...

Paving the way for fast low-energy data communications

Fibre-optic cables are revolutionising data communication worldwide. Within three years, Chalmers researchers expect to be able to transfer 100 Gb of data per second in a single fibre with one core, and several terabits per ...

Diamonds and quantum information processing on the nano scale

A City College of New York led-team headed by physicist Dr. Carlos Meriles has successfully demonstrated charge transport between Nitrogen-Vacancy color centers in diamond. The team developed a novel multi-color scanning ...

Ultracompact photodetector for optical data transmission

Data traffic is growing worldwide. Glass-fiber cables transmit information over long distances at the speed of light. Once they have reached their destination, however, these optical signals have to be converted into electrical ...

Light helps the transistor laser switch faster

Light and electrons interact in a complex dance within fiber optic devices. A new study by University of Illinois engineers found that in the transistor laser, a device for next-generation high-speed computing, the light ...

Lasers could make the Internet faster – and cleaner

If you're reading this, you probably have a fast Internet connection. In fact, there are better than even odds that you have a reasonably fast Internet connection on your cell phone.

Physicists prove new potential for silicon chips

Scientists have opened a door to faster, cheaper telecommunications after proving a new link between silicon chips and 'rare-earth' metals used in internet signalling.

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