Related topics: drug

Chemists synthesize psychotropic compound from rainforest tree

The bark of the Galbulimima belgraveana tree, found only in remote rainforests of Papua New Guinea and northern Australia, has long been used by indigenous people for both healing and ceremony. A tea brewed from the bark ...

A cyborg sensor that could unlock anesthesia's secrets

( —Almost every biological process involves sensing the presence of a certain chemical. Finely tuned over millions of years of evolution, the body's different receptors are shaped to accept certain target chemicals. ...

CryoEM study captures opioid signaling in the act

Opioid drugs like morphine and fentanyl are a mainstay of modern pain medicine. But they also cause constipation, are highly addictive, and can lead to fatal respiratory failure if taken at too high a dose. Scientists have ...

Avoiding the risk of opioids

Dear Mayo Clinic: If opioids are such a problem in our country, why are they used so often to treat pain? Aren't there other effective options for controlling pain that aren't as risky?

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