Developers claim PlayBook software crack

A trio of software developers said Wednesday they have cracked BlackBerry PlayBook tablet computer software and promised to reveal the secret within a week.

Android gains US smartphone market share: comScore

Google's Android operating system gained US smartphone market share in the quarter which ended in July while Blackberry maker Research in Motion, Apple and Microsoft lost ground, digital tracking firm comScore said.

The glass ceiling phenomenon in the US and EU labor markets

The "glass ceiling" is a metaphor for the barriers facing women and various minorities in the workplace when they strive for promotion or other improvements in their career. Research published in the International Journal ...

Review: New BlackBerrys improved, but lackluster

Well before the iPhone, BlackBerry gained its "CrackBerry" nickname for its seemingly vital place in users' lives. Lately, however, the surging popularity of Apple's gadget and smartphones running Google's Android software ...

Android tops iPhone in US: comScore

Google's Android surged past Apple's iPhone last quarter and is closing in on the Blackberry as the most popular smartphone platform in the United States, market tracking firm comScore said Monday.

iPhone passes Blackberry in US: comScore

Apple's iPhone has leapfrogged Research In Motion's Blackberry to grab fourth-place among handset manufacturers in the United States, tracking firm comScore said Tuesday.

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