A social reboot for illegal downloaders

Unauthorized downloading of digital goods, including copyright music, videos, computer games, and images has become an increasing problem for content providers and those who hold the copyright on such goods and expect remuneration ...

There are better ways to combat piracy than blocking websites

The Senate passed controversial anti-piracy legislation, the Copyright Amendment (Online Infringement) Bill 2015, last night. But it's not so clear whether the legislation will actually achieve its stated ends of reducing ...

Dotcom beats US bid to revoke bail in New Zealand

Internet mogul Kim Dotcom avoided returning to jail in New Zealand on Monday when an Auckland court rejected a US application to revoke bail granted as part of a marathon online piracy case.

Google fires back at Rupert Murdoch in Europe

Google on Thursday fired back at media mogul Rupert Murdoch, disputing a News Corp. complaint in Europe that the Internet titan has veered from the path of doing no evil.

Dutch lawmakers reject online piracy treaty

(AP) — Dutch lawmakers adopted a motion Tuesday urging the government not to sign a controversial international treaty aimed at reining in online piracy.

Wikipedia founder hails role in US

(AP) -- The founder of Wikipedia hailed the online encyclopedia's role in helping halt U.S. legislation aimed at cracking down on Internet piracy, saying the proposed bills needed to be stopped because they were flawed.

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