White House uses humor to kill 'Death Star' petition

With the US national debt standing at more than $16 trillion, the White House says it absolutely cannot spend $850 quadrillion on a "Star Wars"-inspired "Death Star" super-weapon.

White House changes email rules

The White House said Monday it will tighten its email sign-up rules after drawing fire from some recipients of a message about health care policies who complained they had not asked for such updates.

Pakistan's only Asian elephant prepared for new home

A team of international vets using tranquilliser darts, flatbreads and the soothing lyrics of Frank Sinatra conducted a medical examination Friday on Pakistan's only Asian elephant, ahead of his planned move to Cambodia.

Sexual bullying among girls: We need to take it seriously

In an online petition launched by Chanel Contos in February, thousands of women have now disclosed instances of sexual harrassment and assault when at school parties. The petition's author was calling for sexual consent ...

UK Twitter chief apologises for online abuse

Twitter's UK general manager apologised Saturday to women attacked by "trolls" on the microblogging website, as it updated its rules on abusive behaviour.

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