Automated forklifts elevate firms' profit hopes

A forklift winds its way through the cavernous warehouse in search of a pallet, which it then ferries to a truck, crossing along its way other forklifts and then the driver ... oh wait, there is no driver.

What it takes for green businesses to advertise online

The green industry in the United States is comprised of production and wholesale nurseries and wholesale/retail distribution centers, as well as related marketing interests. While the green industry traditionally has been ...

Media sector seeks new powers to challenge Big Tech

Big Tech firms are clobbering traditional news organizations, media representatives told lawmakers Tuesday, asking for new authority to allow the struggling sector to team up against online platforms.

The common wisdom about marketing cocreated innovations is wrong

Researchers from the University of Hong Kong, University of Tennessee, University of British Columbia, and Arizona State University published a new paper in the Journal of Marketing that seeks the optimal strategy for communicating ...

Why the Internet hasn't killed off books

We stand amazed by the vitality of printed books, a more than 500-year-old technique, both on and offline. We have observed over the years all of the dialogue which books have created around themselves, through 150 interviews ...

Pinterest planning 2019 stock market debut: report

Popular online bulletin board Pinterest is getting ready for a stock market debut early next year at a valuation of $12 billion or more, according to a Wall Street Journal report.

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