Google backs research to improve social networks

Cornell researchers will collaborate with Google experts to improve group interaction in online social networks. The work will be supported by a grant of $800,000 from Google Inc.

How people respond to a catastrophe on social media

When an earthquake hits, it makes more than just seismic waves. Extreme events such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and terrorist attacks also produce waves of immediate online social interactions, in the form of Tweets, that offer ...

How do distance learners connect?

In a typical college classroom, social connections are formed through face-to-face interactions. Through informal chats before and after class, group project meetings, and other exchanges, students are able to build community ...

Concentrating on the social billions

Using online social media does not lead to long-term problems with our ability to concentrate, according to new research published in the International Journal Social Media and Interactive Learning Environments.

Will algorithms predict your future?

A report from Cardiff University reveals the extent to which public service provision is now being influenced by data analytics.

Job crafting is key to improving crowdworking, says study

Busy writing texts, programming software or developing logos, crowdworkers have emerged as a small but growing part of the modern labor market. Task-oriented freelancers offer their services on online platforms. They usually ...

Australian gamblers spend big online - but it's risky

Australians are spending around $1 billion annually on illegal offshore gambling sites, yet with few regulations in place they are leaving themselves open to identity fraud, being ripped off or developing gambling problems.

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