Guess who? Chimpanzee faces reveal family relationships

Researchers from the University of St Andrews have shown for the first time that not only do wild chimpanzees tend to look like their family members, but also some relationships are easier to detect than others.

Who do you think you are? What does your avatar say about you?

When using social virtual reality, people hide behind avatars. But is it really hiding or is it a way to express our new digital selves? A new Trinity study published in the Journal of Digital Social Research suggests it ...

'Pre-bunking' shows promise in fight against misinformation

Soon after the Russian invasion, the hoaxes began. Ukrainian refugees were taking jobs, committing crimes and abusing handouts. The misinformation spread rapidly online throughout Eastern Europe, sometimes pushed by Moscow ...

Covert and overt political signaling online

In the 1970s, a handkerchief peeking from a man's back pocket was a useful way of signaling his gayness to other gay men—while keeping his sexual identity secret from everyone else, who were unlikely to know the hanky's ...

Researchers design simulator to help stop the spread of 'fake news'

As people around the world increasingly get their news from social media, online misinformation has emerged as an area of great concern. To improve news literacy and reduce the spread of misinformation, NYUAD Center for Cybersecurity ...

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