Smell and behavior: The scents of taking action

In all animals, including humans, smell—the oldest of the five senses—plays a predominant role in many behaviors essential for survival and reproduction. It has been known since ancient times that animals react to odours.

Why your cat does these 6 things, according to science

Having a cat (or several) can add companionship and warmth to any household. As you share each other's space, however, you may have noticed a few quirks that your cat exhibits, varying from adorable to plainly bizarre.

Giant extinct ancient rodent had a tiny brain

A team of researchers with Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Universidade Federal do Acre and the Paleontological Institute and Museum has discovered the ancient remains of a giant, extinct, tiny-brained rodent that once ...

Researchers reveal the oldest spinosaur brains

Researchers from the University of Southampton and Ohio University have reconstructed the brains and inner ears of two British spinosaurs, helping uncover how these large predatory dinosaurs interacted with their environment.

CT scan reveals 'neglected' dinosaur had super senses

A CT scan of an often-overlooked, plant-eating dinosaur's skull reveals that while it may not have been all that "brainy," it had a unique combination of traits associated with living animals that spend at least part of their ...

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