Related topics: oil

Oil pollution a threat to haddock

Haddock is an important fish species that has its most important spawning ground in and around Norway's northern Lofoten archipelago, where oil production is being planned. However, research now reveals that the roe and larvae ...

Can palm oil be sustainable?

Land used for palm oil production could be nearly doubled without expanding into protected or high-biodiversity forests, according to a new study published in the journal Global Environmental Change. The study is the first ...

As Canada wildfires rage, experts examine the ramifications

Since early May, wildfires have been raging in and around the city of Fort McMurray in Canada's Alberta province, the country's oil-sands capital. The latest evacuation took place on Monday: Some 8,000 workers at oil-sands ...

Oregano may reduce methane in cow burps

It may sound pretty harmless, but methane emissions from cows are a large problem for the climate. When ruminants digest their feed, methane is formed as a natural by-product of the microbial process in the rumen, and since ...

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