Related topics: gulf of mexico · oil spills · oil

Thai navy deployed to fight oil spill

Thai naval vessels joined efforts Sunday to stop hundreds of barrels of oil from a pipeline leak in the Gulf of Thailand reaching the kingdom's beaches.

US methane report further divides fracking camps

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has dramatically lowered its estimate of how much of a potent heat-trapping gas leaks during natural gas production, in a shift with major implications for a debate that has divided ...

US energy experts say drilling can be made cleaner (Update)

In the Colorado mountains, a spike in air pollution has been linked to a boom in oil and gas drilling. On the plains of north Texas, there's a drilling boom, too, but some air pollution levels have declined. Opponents of ...

Slovenia shuts nuclear plant after Sava river swells

Slovenia preventively shut down production Sunday at its only nuclear power plant after a steep increase in the flow of the Sava river used for cooling the system, the Krsko nuclear plant said in a statement.

China orders US oil giant to halt rigs after spill

China said Wednesday it had ordered US oil giant ConocoPhillips to immediately stop operations at several rigs in an area off the nation's eastern coast polluted by a huge slick.

Deepwater lessons

In the 24-hour news cycle era, the Deepwater Horizon oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico already feels like an event from yesteryear, an event that had its 15 minutes of news domination during the summer of 2010 then made room ...

BP says $2 billion spent on US oil spill

BP revealed Monday it has so far spent two billion dollars on the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, after an internal BP document suggested the gusher might be spewing far faster than initially feared.

3 Questions: John Marshall on the Gulf of Mexico oil spill

( -- More than a month after the tragic events that set off the largest oil spill in U.S. history, scientists and BP officials continue to disagree over the amount of oil that has escaped into the Gulf of Mexico. ...

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