Enhanced oil recovery with nanoparticles

A mixture of nanoparticles and water can be used in the nano-water alternating gas approach (NWAG) to enhance oil recovery from an oil field. Now, the wettability of rock, relative permeability curves, and the interfacial ...

Another step closer to tunable liquids

Using electrical fields to modify the properties of liquids in contact with a surface can be used in several applications, such as electrophoresis, where an electric current can separate molecules by size. Researchers at ...

Trump eases US methane rules as Colorado says state's work

The Trump administration is rolling back some U.S. regulations on climate-changing methane pollution, calling them expensive and burdensome, but Colorado says its rules are working—and they have industry support.

New steel to double service life of oil-field pipelines

The peculiarities of oil development technology in Russian oil fields have created demand for a new steel grade. Existing oil field pipes operate in conditions of constant contact with a corrosive water-emulsion mixture of ...

Tracking microbial succession in petroleum wells

Microbes are invisible to the naked eye, but play key roles in maintaining the planet's biogeochemical cycles. In the Earth's subsurface, microbes have adapted to thrive in the relatively stable extreme conditions. To learn ...

One oil field a key culprit in global ethane gas increase

A single U.S. shale oil field is responsible for much of the past decade's increase in global atmospheric levels of ethane, a gas that can damage air quality and impact climate, according to new study led by the University ...

The immediate aftermath of an oil spill

The fate of oil during the first day after an accidental oil spill is still poorly understood, with researchers often arriving on the scene only after several days. New findings from a field experiment carried out in the ...

What do we do when a well blows out?

Oil and gas companies are worried about gas discharges at the sea bed. Recent field experiments can now quantify the volumes of gas reaching the sea surface and how they spread in the atmosphere.

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