Odors can be measured by analytical chemistry

Usually, it takes a nose to smell, but now - for the first time - scientists have developed a convincing model able to measure odours from pig farms by means of precise measurements of the content of odorants in the atmosphere.

E-Noses: Testing their mettle against fly noses

(PhysOrg.com) -- Scientists from CSIRO's Food Futures Flagship have made a breakthrough in efforts to extend the sensory range of 'electronic noses' (e-noses) by developing a system for comparing their performance against ...

Smell is the crucial sense that holds ant society together

Ants can be found in nearly every location on Earth, with rough estimates suggesting there are over 10 quadrillion individuals—that is a 1 followed by 16 zeroes, or about 1 million ants per person. Ants are among the most ...

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