Seaglider sets new underwater endurance and range records

( -- A University of Washington Seaglider operated for 9 months and 5 days in the Pacific Ocean, an endurance record more than double what any other autonomous underwater vehicle has accomplished on a single mission.

Robotic probe launcher may transform ocean data collection

Our understanding of the ocean and its variability relies on the tools ocean scientists deploy to collect data. One tool routinely used is the eXpendable BathyThermograph (XBT) probe, which is usually deployed by hand one ...

Revolutionary tool will methodically track ocean populations

Oceanographer Chuck Greene envisions a day when he will be able to observe the ocean the way a meteorologist observes the weather -- with continuous streams of data that allow him to see changes as they happen and predict ...

Using earthquake sensors to track endangered whales

( —The fin whale is the second-largest animal ever to live on Earth. It is also, paradoxically, one of the least understood. The animal's huge size and global range make its movements and behavior hard to study.

Ocean science robot revolution hits symbolic millionth milestone

(—An innovative global observing system based on drifting sensors cycling from the surface to the ocean mid-depths is being celebrated by scientists today after reaching a major milestone – one million incredibly ...