Related topics: ocean ยท nasa

Going against the trend: Cooling in the Southern Ocean

Climate and marine scientists are observing pervasive warming of the ocean and land surfaces across the globe. Since the middle of the 19th century, the average global temperature recorded on the land surface has risen by ...

April 2020 tied for warmest on record: EU climate service

Last month tied 2016 for the hottest April on record worldwide, with particularly high temperatures over western Europe and north-central Asia, the European Union's climate monitoring network said Tuesday.

Astronomers find formula for subsurface oceans in exomoons

So far, the search for extraterrestrial life has focused on planets at a distance from their star where liquid water is possible on the surface. But within our Solar System, most of the liquid water seems to be outside this ...

The ocean's 'biological pump' captures more carbon than expected

Every spring in the Northern Hemisphere, the ocean surface erupts in a massive bloom of phytoplankton. Like plants, these single-celled floating organisms use photosynthesis to turn light into energy, consuming carbon dioxide ...

Deep diving scientists discover bubbling CO2 hotspot

Diving 200 feet under the ocean surface to conduct scientific research can lead to some interesting places. For University of Texas at Austin Professor Bayani Cardenas, it placed him in the middle of a champagne-like environment ...

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