Seafloor research expedition features live online video feed

UC Santa Cruz hydrogeologist Andrew Fisher is leading an expedition on the research vessel (R/V) Atlantis this summer to explore fluid flow and microbial habitats deep within the ocean crust. His team is returning to a set ...

Expedition to study ancient continental breakup west of Spain

An international team of scientists has embarked on a shipboard expedition to study how the Earth's crust was pulled apart in an area beneath the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Spain. The team includes geophysicists from ...

'Underground Galapagos' excites scientists

Diverse underground ecosystems buried deep beneath the Earth's crust may offer clues to the origins of life on Earth, several recent studies have revealed.

Energy from Earth's interior supports life in global ecosystem

The Earth's oceanic crust covers an enormous expanse, and is mostly buried beneath a thick layer of mud that cuts it off from the surface world. Scientists now document life deep within the oceanic crust that appears to be ...

Lunar impacts created seas of molten rock, research shows

Early in the Moon's history an ocean of molten rock covered its entire surface. As that lunar magma ocean cooled over millions of years, it differentiated to form the Moon's crust and mantle. But according to a new analysis ...

Studying ancient Earth's geochemistry

Researchers still have much to learn about the volcanism that shaped our planet's early history. New evidence from a team led by Carnegie's Frances Jenner demonstrates that some of the tectonic processes driving volcanic ...

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