Is climate change disrupting maritime boundaries?

Coral reef islands and their reefs—found across in the Indo-Pacific—naturally grow and shrink due to complex biological and physical processes that have yet to be fully understood. Now, climate change is disrupting them ...

Glacier melting on Kamchatka contributed to sea rise

Scientists have quantified the glacier mass loss on the Kamchatka Peninsula; the accelerated loss in the region since the turn of the millennium is likely to increase in the short term.

Antarctica's ice shelves could be melting faster than we thought

A new model developed by Caltech and JPL researchers suggests that Antarctica's ice shelves may be melting at an accelerated rate, which could eventually contribute to more rapid sea level rise. The model accounts for an ...

Rapid warming in the Gulf of Maine reverses 900 years of cooling

Rapid 20th century warming in the Gulf of Maine has reversed long-term cooling that occurred there during the previous 900 years, according to new research that combines an examination of shells from long-lived ocean quahogs ...

Investigating drivers of Antarctic ice retreat

An investigation of how an Antarctic ice sheet melted thousands of years ago will improve contemporary climate models and projections of rising sea level, according to a recently published study with contributions from The ...

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