Is sharing the key to advanced society?

The ability to share knowledge and learn from each other may be the key difference between people and chimpanzees that helped humans to dominate the modern world, scientists suggested on Thursday.

Applying machine learning in intelligent weather consultation

Weather forecasting is a typical problem of coupling big data with physical-process models, according to Prof. Pingwen Zhang, an academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Director of the National Engineering Laboratory ...

Discovering exoplanets using artificial intelligence

By implementing artificial intelligence techniques similar to those used in autonomous cars, a team from the UNIGE and the UniBE, in partnership with the company Disaitek, has discovered a new method for detecting exoplanets.

Marketing expert tracks online shoppers

Online retailers have long wondered if trumpeting consumer-behavior statistics on their websites could hurt business. Qi Wang’s new findings should ease their fears, just in time for Cyber Monday.

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