Related topics: climate models

Arctic could be ice-free a decade earlier than thought

The Arctic Ocean's ice cap will disappear in summer as soon as the 2030s and a decade earlier than thought, no matter how aggressively humanity draws down the carbon pollution that drives global warming, scientists said Tuesday.

Critical observations reveal sinking coasts

It's been said that a rug can really tie a room together. In a similar fashion, Manoochehr Shirzaei and his research team are hoping that weaving together millions of data points into terrain-covering, digital maps can help ...

The sun is a normal star after all, confirms study

With data from the Kepler (NASA), Gaia (ESA) and SOHO (NASA/ESA) satellites, a team, led by Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA) researcher Ângela Santos, seems to have put an end to the idea that the sun ...

Galaxy changes classification as jet changes direction

A team of international astronomers have discovered a galaxy that has changed classification due to unique activity within its core. The galaxy, named PBC J2333.9-2343, was previously classified as a radio galaxy, but the ...

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