Related topics: climate models

The sun is a normal star after all, confirms study

With data from the Kepler (NASA), Gaia (ESA) and SOHO (NASA/ESA) satellites, a team, led by Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA) researcher Ângela Santos, seems to have put an end to the idea that the sun ...

Galaxy changes classification as jet changes direction

A team of international astronomers have discovered a galaxy that has changed classification due to unique activity within its core. The galaxy, named PBC J2333.9-2343, was previously classified as a radio galaxy, but the ...

Powerful yet lonely: The distant quasar left alone in its group

Looking at the night sky with the naked eye, we can only see an infinitesimal part of what the Universe contains, and the largest part cannot even be "seen". Radio wavelengths have gifted us some of the most fascinating astronomical ...

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