Supplement aids milk production

( -- Massey University research has led to the development of a calf supplement that can increase milk yield in dairy cows by up to 12 per cent.

Want natural food dye? Amaranth delivers, according to study

Artificial food dyes have been linked to multiple health concerns, including hyperactivity in children, allergies, and certain cancers. The science isn't settled and the Food and Drug Administration says color additives are ...

Using lysine estimates to detect heat damage in DDGS

Distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) are a good source of energy and protein in swine diets. However, they can be damaged by excessive heat during processing, compromising their nutritional value. University of Illinois ...

Studying the specific carbohydrates in Polygonatum sibiricum

In a study published in the journal Food Quality and Safety, researchers from Zhejiang University have unveiled significant findings about the carbohydrate composition of Polygonatum sibiricum, a renowned traditional Chinese ...

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