PhD student bioengineers potato plant to detect gamma radiation

A researcher at the University of Tennessee Herbert College of Agriculture has developed a potato plant that can detect gamma radiation, providing reliable indications of harmful radiation levels without complex monitoring ...

Removing cesium: Solutions to a chemically complex problem

Fifty-six million gallons. That is the amount of radioactive tank waste left behind at the Hanford Site as a result of the secret government mission to provide the plutonium for the world's first atomic weapons and the Cold ...

Fungi's secrets for surviving a hypersaline environment

Many organisms have evolved to survive in some of the Earth's harshest conditions, tolerating freezing temperatures, crushing pressures and other extremes. In studying these organisms, scientists deepen our understanding ...

Tiny Big Bang: ALICE experiment restarts with lead ions

On September 26, 2023, the accelerator team at the CERN European Council for Nuclear Research in Geneva declared stable lead-beam conditions, ushering in the first data-taking campaign of lead-ion collisions in five years. ...

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