Related topics: nuclear power · nuclear reactor

Last nuclear waste train heads to Germany

Thousands of anti-nuclear protestors were awaiting the arrival of a train carrying radioactive nuclear waste from France at its destination in northern Germany Saturday.

German minister says 'never again' to nuclear power

German Environment Minister Peter Altmaier said Friday his country would never again return to nuclear energy, hitting back at a top EU official who doubted Berlin's commitment to phase out nuclear power.

Radioactivity found in Swiss lake near nuclear plant

Scientists have discovered a radioactive substance in sediment under a Swiss lake used for drinking water and situated near a nuclear plant, the Le Matin Dimanche weekly reported Sunday.

Russia opens commission into 'nuclear incident' report

A Russian scientific commission will investigate reports of radioactive pollution almost 1,000 times above normal levels in the southern Urals, state nuclear company Rosatom said Friday.

Japan suspends waste water nuclear operation

Tokyo Electric Power Co. Saturday halted an operation to clean highly contaminated waste water at a crippled Japanese nuclear plant due to higher-than-expected radiation levels.

Brightest gamma ray on Earth -- for a safer, healthier world

The brightest gamma ray beam ever created- more than a thousand billion times more brilliant than the sun- has been produced in research led at the University of Strathclyde- and could open up new possibilities for medicine.

Nuclear waste might be a thing of the past

Matthew Fortunato starts his days mixing chemicals in radiochemistry professor Konstantinos Kavallieratos' lab. It is a task he knows well. With a practiced hand, he collects just the right amount of powders and liquids and ...

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