Debunking myths on nuclear power

It is the received wisdom that nuclear weapons and nuclear power are inseparable. Consequently, any country that builds a civilian nuclear power station is able to build an atomic bomb within a couple of years.

Iran nuclear plant 'to link to grid this month'

Iran's first nuclear power plant, built by Russia, will be connected to the national grid in late August, atomic chief Fereydoon Abbasi Davani told the Arabic-language network Al-Alam on Sunday.

Japan regulator wants plutonium reactor operator replaced

Japan's nuclear regulator issued a rare warning Friday to the science minister, telling him to disqualify the operator of a plutonium-fueled reactor plagued with a poor safety record, a step that could finally shut it down.

New survey on Americans' foreign policy priorities

Americans favor diplomatic and economic strategies over military involvement in foreign policy, according to a new national survey conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. Americans also ...

Japan and France to tighten nuclear, defense ties

Japan and France agreed Friday to deepen their cooperation on nuclear technology and to discuss joint development of military equipment, vowing to raise the tenor of their partnership.

New 3-D visual of intestinal growth promoting peptide

UCD Conway researchers have determined the 3-dimensional solution structure of glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) for the first time using nuclear magnetic resonance and molecular modelling. This visual was selected as the cover ...

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