Tainted nuke plant water reaches major NJ aquifer

(AP) -- Radioactive water that leaked from the nation's oldest nuclear power plant has now reached a major underground aquifer that supplies drinking water to much of southern New Jersey, the state's environmental chief ...

Fire in Chernobyl zone, Kiev says radiation levels safe

Ukrainian authorities on Tuesday said a bushfire had broken out in the exclusion zone around Chernobyl, scene of the world's worst nuclear accident in 1986, but radiation levels remained within safe limits.

Chernobyl disaster zone lures tourists as visitor numbers boom

Camera? Check. Sunglasses? Check. And a Geiger counter? Check. For a growing number of thrill-seekers visiting Chernobyl's radiation-contaminated lands the device is used to help navigate the site of what remains the world's ...

Touch-sensitive avatar-robotic arm based on real-time haptics

Researchers at Keio University's Haptics Research Center have developed a 'real-time-avatar-robotic arm' that transmits sound, vision, and highly sensitive feelings of touch to remotely located users. This innovative touch ...

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