Dutch probe cross-border nuclear safety

The Dutch safety board announced on Wednesday it is launching an investigation into how the Netherlands works with its neighbours to prevent and handle any cross-border nuclear power accidents.

Researchers discover new way of 'locking up' radioactive material

Researchers at The University of Manchester have discovered that an iron oxide mineral, hematite, reacts with radioactive neptunium to 'lock it up' within its structure. This could have profound implications for the environmental ...

Belgium restarts ageing Tihange 1 nuclear reactor

Belgian power utility Electrabel said Saturday it had restarted a nuclear reactor at its ageing Tihange plant, just days after being forced to shut it down following a fire in the electricity supply system.

Belgium extends lives of ageing nuclear reactors

Belgium agreed to extend the life of two ageing nuclear reactors for another decade under a hard-won deal to preserve jobs and invest in the transition to cleaner energy.

Europe divided along former Iron Curtain over nuclear power

A quarter-century after the collapse of communism, Central Europe faces a new divide: irreconcilable visions of nuclear power that pit nations once on the opposite sides of the Iron Curtain against one another.

Is the energy system really ready for sustainable energy?

New research into sustainable energy systems focuses on integrating renewable and nuclear power plants into the electrical grid – a topic high on the agenda for scholars, industry and policy makers.

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