At G-7, Japan's energy plan is not all that green

Japan may find itself the odd man out when Prime Minister Shinzo Abe presents his government's blueprint for combating climate change at this weekend's summit of the world's leading industrialized democracies.

Japan court upholds nuclear power plant injunction

A Japanese court upheld an injunction banning the restart of two nuclear reactors, a report said Tuesday, in a blow to the government's ambitions to return to atomic power generation.

Sweden speeds up closure of two nuclear reactors

Sweden's state-owned energy group Vattenfall on Tuesday said it planned to speed up the shutdown of two nuclear reactors by up to seven years, to 2018 and 2020.

Japan eyes nuclear for a fifth of electricity supply

A fifth of Japan's electricity supply should come from nuclear power generation, the country's industry ministry said Tuesday, despite widespread opposition in the aftermath of the Fukushima disaster.

Japan court blocks restarting of two nuclear reactors

A Japanese court on Tuesday issued a landmark injunction against the restarting of two atomic reactors, after the country's nuclear watchdog had given the green light to switch them back on.

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