Japanese PM pledges 10 mn solar-powered homes

Japan will have ten million solar-powered homes, Prime Minister Naoto Kan pledged Wednesday, as the country makes a major push in coming years towards renewable energy following its nuclear crisis.

Facing up to Fukushima

In the wake of the disaster at the Fukushima reactor, Japan and other nations are re-evaluating their attitude to nuclear energy. Cambridge academic Tony Roulstone believes it is vital for governments and industry to proactively ...

EU nuclear safety testing row in meltdown

Fractious talks on testing the safety of European nuclear reactors broke down Thursday as calls to include terror attacks and other man-made disasters in the tests faced resistance from powerful nuclear lobbies in London ...

EU nuclear safety sweep accused of soft-pedalling

Europe on Wednesday will draw up stress-test parameters for a safety sweep of its nuclear power reactors, promised after Japan's Fukushima No.1 disaster, but already the focus of bitter disputes.

Japan's Toshiba returns to black

Japan's Toshiba on Monday said it returned to the black for the year to March, but warned the outlook remains uncertain due to the impact of the massive quake and tsunami in March.

Japan nuclear firm sees 'cold shutdown' in 6-9 mths

The operator of Japan's tsunami-hit nuclear plant said Sunday it aims to reduce radiation leaks within three months and to achieve a "cold shutdown" within six to nine months.

Nuclear will survive, because it has to: ANU professor

Japan relies on nuclear power for about 30% of its electricity. It has few natural resources and imports large quantities of coal, gas and oil at an ever increasing cost. Some Japanese people are not in favor of nuclear power, ...

US spent-fuel storage sites are packed

(AP) -- The nuclear crisis in Japan has laid bare an ever-growing problem for the United States - the enormous amounts of still-hot radioactive waste accumulating at commercial nuclear reactors in more than 30 states.

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