At G-7, Japan's energy plan is not all that green

Japan may find itself the odd man out when Prime Minister Shinzo Abe presents his government's blueprint for combating climate change at this weekend's summit of the world's leading industrialized democracies.

Changing climate poses threat to power plants, US report says

Power plants across the country are at increased risk of temporary shutdown and reduced power generation as temperatures and sea levels continue to rise and water becomes less available, the Department of Energy said Thursday.

Japan eyeing 26% greenhouse gas cut: officials

Japan is planning to pledge a 26 percent cut in its greenhouse gas emissions from 2013 levels, ahead of a global summit on climate change this year, officials said Friday.

Can going nuclear combat climate change?

To mitigate climate change, the proportion of low-carbon electricity generation must increase from today's 36% to 85% by 2040, the International Energy Agency (IEA) says. IEA and other advocates argue that nuclear power could ...

Japan's Mitsui in quake-zone solar plan: report

Japanese trading house Mitsui plans to build large-scale solar power plants with the capacity to supply 30,000 households in the tsunami-hit northeast, a newspaper reported Wednesday.

US energy future hazy on Japan, environment fears

The United States faces tough questions as it tries to plot its energy future in the wake of the Japan nuclear disaster and long-running environmental and security concerns, analysts say.

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