Related topics: nuclear power · nuclear reactor · fukushima

Researchers discover new ways to streamline uranium enrichment

Building and operating multistage sorters for enriching uranium used in nuclear power plants requires major investment. MEPhI researchers have calculated performance criteria that could lower construction costs for plants ...

Russian nuclear plant says it emits leaked nuclear isotope

A senior executive at the Russian nuclear processing plant suspected of being behind a spike of radioactivity over Europe this fall admitted Wednesday that the isotope recorded does emerge as part of the plant's production ...

Physicists propose a new method for monitoring nuclear waste

New scientific findings suggest neutrino detectors may play an important role in ensuring better monitoring and safer storage of radioactive material in nuclear waste repository sites. Researchers at Johannes Gutenberg University ...

Belarus nuclear power plant stirs fears in Lithuania

Thirty years after the Chernobyl disaster spewed radioactive clouds into the sky and sent shockwaves across Europe, Belarus is building a nuclear reactor on the doorstep of the EU despite fears in neighbouring Lithuania.

Fuel removal device installed at meltdown-hit Fukushima reactor

Workers at Japan's crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant have installed a device to remove nuclear fuel from a meltdown-hit reactor nearly seven years after the crisis was sparked by a tsunami, a spokesman said Monday.

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