Time reversal: A simple particle could reveal new physics

(PhysOrg.com) -- A simple atomic nucleus could reveal properties associated with the mysterious phenomenon known as time reversal and lead to an explanation for one of the greatest mysteries of physics: the imbalance of matter ...

Einstein was right, neutrino researchers admit

Scientists on Friday said that an experiment which challenged Einstein's theory on the speed of light had been flawed and that sub-atomic particles -- like everything else -- are indeed bound by the universe's speed limit.

Physicist explains significance of Higgs boson discovery

In July, physicists were ecstatic in announcing preliminary results pointing to the discovery of the long-sought Higgs boson particle. The Higgs boson is a tiny subatomic particle that apparently weighs about 130 times as ...

Physicists confirm hitch in proton structure

Nuclear physicists have confirmed that the current description of proton structure isn't all smooth sailing. A new precision measurement of the proton's electric polarizability performed at the U.S. Department of Energy's ...

'Faster-than-light' particles fade after cross-check

Neutrinos do not go faster than light, according to fresh measurements of a test last year that had suggested the particles broke the Universe's speed limit, CERN said on Friday.

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