Related topics: nuclear reactor

Touch-sensitive avatar-robotic arm based on real-time haptics

Researchers at Keio University's Haptics Research Center have developed a 'real-time-avatar-robotic arm' that transmits sound, vision, and highly sensitive feelings of touch to remotely located users. This innovative touch ...

Long duration experiments reach 1,000th day

The first experiment placed on Diamond's Long Duration Experimental (LDE) facility, on beamline I11, has now been in place for 1,000 days. The experiment, led by Dr Claire Corkhill from the University of Sheffield, has used ...

Regulators close case questioning California reactor repairs

Federal regulators have closed a case that questioned whether Southern California Edison violated government rules when it installed faulty equipment at the now-closed San Onofre nuclear power plant.

Researchers patent a nanofluid that improves heat conductivity

Researchers at the Universitat Jaume I (UJI) have developed and patented a nanofluid improving thermal conductivity at temperatures up to 400°C without assuming an increase in costs or a remodeling of the infrastructure. ...

Researchers grapple with UK's nuclear legacy

The University of Leeds will lead a consortium of 10 universities in a national research programme looking at ways of dealing with Britain's nuclear waste.

UN envoy: Japan should do more for nuclear victims

(AP)—A United Nations rights investigator said Monday that Japan hasn't done enough to protect the health of residents and workers affected by the Fukushima nuclear accident.

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