Related topics: nuclear reactor

New thermal battery manufacturing method to be industrialized

( -- A new thin-film coating process for manufacturing thermal batteries used in nuclear weapons and other munitions that was invented at Sandia National Laboratories will be industrialized under a new corporate ...

EU to test nuclear plants' safety after bargaining

The European Union's energy chief said Wednesday he was satisfied with a deal to conduct EU-wide safety checks on nuclear plants even though tests on terror attacks were left for another day.

Northwest power surplus may halt wind energy

(AP) -- The manager of most of the electricity in the Pacific Northwest is running such a surplus of power from hydroelectric dams that it put wind farms on notice Friday that they may be shut down as early as this weekend.

Japan mulls new robot help with nuclear disaster

Japan may be at the forefront of robotics and its children raised on cartoons of robot heroes and villains, but the country has so far had to rely on US-made machines for help tackling its nuclear crisis.

US experts unsure about Fukushima situation

US experts have expressed uncertainty about the seriousness of the situation at Japan's Fukushima nuclear complex, steering clear of speculation whether the core of one of the reactors there had been damaged.

US spent-fuel storage sites are packed

(AP) -- The nuclear crisis in Japan has laid bare an ever-growing problem for the United States - the enormous amounts of still-hot radioactive waste accumulating at commercial nuclear reactors in more than 30 states.

Obama seeks new path to environmental goals

(AP) -- Facing a Congress that is more hostile to environmental regulation, President Barack Obama is moderating his environmental goals: a clean energy standard that mixes nuclear, natural gas and "clean coal" with wind, ...

Protecting water resources from long term pollution

Increasing levels of toxic, synthetic chemicals are being reported in drinking water and drinking water reservoirs in Europe and around the world. One of the most notorious groups of these synthetic chemicals are PFAS, which ...

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