Radioactive decay is key ingredient behind Earth's heat

Nearly half of the Earth's heat comes from the radioactive decay of materials inside, according to a large international research collaboration that includes a Kansas State University physicist.

X-ray illumination of supernova ejecta

( -- Supernovae are the explosive deaths of massive stars, cataclysms that disburse into space the chemical elements produced by nuclear reactions inside the progenitor stars. Understanding chemical enrichment ...

CUORE experiment gets to the 'heart' of the anti-matter

Marisa Pedretti, a post-doctoral researcher since January 2009 in the Experimental Nuclear Physics group of the Physics Division of the Physical and Life Sciences Directorate, was recently selected as the experimental coordinator ...

Glasgow scientists predict mass of new particle

( -- A team of physicists from the University of Glasgow has predicted the mass of a new particle which would help explain one of the fundamental forces of the universe.

More precise measurements of the W boson

( -- "The W boson is one of the very few major building blocks of matter," Dmitri Denisov tells "It is a member of a family of particles that is the most fundamental in nature. The W boson is responsible ...

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