First EPR nuclear reactor goes on stream in China

A third generation EPR nuclear reactor in China started providing power to the grid on Friday, a first for the new-generation technology, joint venture partners CGN and EDF said.

Criticality experiment succeeds at CEF in Nevada

On June 15 a team of researchers at DOE's Los Alamos National Laboratory brought the Planet criticality assembly machine located at the Nevada National Security Site to a supercritical point for approximately eight minutes, ...

No uncontrolled reaction at Fukushima: operator

The operator of Japan's crippled Fukushima atomic plant Thursday played down fears of an uncontrolled chain reaction at the site, despite the discovery of evidence of recent nuclear fission.

The art of shutting down a nuclear plant

Gaëtan Girardin, researcher in nuclear engineering, gives us the key to understanding nuclear reactor safety. While the disaster at Fukushima is at the center of our conversation, the recent and minor incident at the ...

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