TEPCO to open second Fukushima reactor building

Tokyo Electric Power Co. said it will open a second reactor building at the stricken Fukushima nuclear power plant to send repair crews inside for the first time since it was crippled.

Tokyo mega-quake 'would kill over 9,000'

More than 9,600 people would die with nearly 150,000 injured if a mega-quake struck Tokyo, a disaster that would also level large parts of the Japanese capital, a government projection said Wednesday.

Chernobyl nuke cleanup to be costly for decades

(AP) -- A quarter-century after the Chernobyl nuclear reactor explosion, a week of meetings on the world's worst nuclear accident pressed home the message that the Chernobyl cleanup will remain expensive and anxiety-provoking ...

Fukushima earthquake triggers thesis topic

When Japan's Fukushima nuclear disaster occurred in March 2011, Aaron Chester had the opportunity of a lifetime to put his chemistry research skills to the test.

Criticality experiment succeeds at CEF in Nevada

On June 15 a team of researchers at DOE's Los Alamos National Laboratory brought the Planet criticality assembly machine located at the Nevada National Security Site to a supercritical point for approximately eight minutes, ...

Tokyo 'not doing enough' for Fukushima: Greenpeace

Fukushima's residents are being left to their fate and not enough is being done to protect them against radiation nine months after Japan's tsunami, environment group Greenpeace said Wednesday.

Japan's Fukushima reactor may be reheating: operator

Temperature readings at one of the crippled Fukushima nuclear reactors have risen above Japan's stringent new safety standard but there was no immediate danger, its operator said Sunday.

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