Novel crystals enhance mid-infrared laser performance

A research group led by Prof. Sun Dunlu from Hefei Institutes of Physical Science (HFIPS), Chinese Academy of Sciences, has successfully synthesized novel mid-infrared Ho,Pr:YAP and Er:YGGAG crystals using the Czchralski ...

A novel method for enhancing optical properties of MXenes

Two-dimensional layered materials are a novel class of materials that exhibit strong and distinctive light-matter interactions, offering broad application prospects in optoelectronic devices and photonic elements. These materials ...

Natural three-dimensional nonlinear photonic crystal

Nonlinear photonic crystals (NPCs) are transparent materials that have a spatially uniform linear susceptibility, yet a periodically modulated quadratic nonlinear susceptibility. These engineered materials are used extensively ...

Frequency stabilization in nonlinear nanomechanical oscillators

Using Center for Nanoscale Materials (CNM) expertise in the design and fabrication of micro- and nanoscale devices, a new strategy for engineering low-frequency noise oscillators capitalizes on the intrinsic nonlinear phenomena ...

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